Monday 26 October 2009

Brilliant Advert for Ad Avoiders and Time Shifters

Courtesy of Adverlab this blew me away. A really nice example of a brand that understands consumers and how their changing media consumption behavior affects the way they need to communicate with them.

Mazda has developed a TV ad specifically designed for ad skippers and people watching programming on time shifted PVR/Sky + / V+ devices - genius

I lied, it was created by HHCL in the mid 90's it was well ahead of its time - aimed at VCR audience fast forwarding the ads. I think they were on to something just a decade too early - now it might just work.

Other great examples of this type of insight is the ability to choose the still images for a You Tube upload - by choosing the right image over the entire video can improve the viewing rate by literally 1000's.

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