Thursday 27 November 2008

BBC Weather in Beta Test

Like any good Brit I have an unhealthy obsession with the weather. I use the BBC 5 day forecast but have a feed on my iGoogle page so haven't visited the site itself for a while, but I've just noticed a new development on the site.

The BBC are Beta testing a new design for their online weather centre and testing it in a quite public manner (the big pink button top right hand corner):

It is interesting to see the text book way the BBC roll out new developments. The new service appears to be based on a very similar platform and technology to that of the service that has been available on digital TV like Sky+ for some time now.

It's definitely got some new features and looks impressive.

This feedback page also impressed me - when the BBC get it right they do it well and this is something more companies should look to learn from in terms of open beta testing with real users and a developed and considered feedback loop.

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